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Scientific Articles

Book Chapters

Geological Maps

Abstracts/ Presentations/ Posters

Norris. S. L. and Atkinson, N. (2019) Glacial flowsets in the lower Athabasca and Clearwater Regions. Alberta Energy Regulator. AER/AGS. Map Sheet, Scale 1:750,000.

Norris. S. L., Margold, M., Gosse, J. C., Hidy, A. J. and Froese, D. G. Rapid dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice-Sheet to Bølling-Allerød warming. QRA annual meeting (2020) Leeds (UK). (Talk)

Norris. S. L., Margold, M., Gosse, J. C., Hidy, A. J. and Froese, D. G. Rapid retreat of the southwestern Laurentide Ice-Sheet driven by Bølling-Allerød warming. GIA PAGES workshop (2019) Ottawa, Ontario (CA). (Talk)

Norris. S. L., Margold, M., Gosse, J. C., Hidy, A. J. and Froese, D. G. Rapid retreat of the southwestern Laurentide Ice-Sheet. INQUA meeting (2019) Dublin (IRL). (Talk)


Norris, S. L., Margold., Utting, D. J., Froese, D. G.  Geomorphic, sedimentary and hydraulic reconstruction of a glacial lake outburst flood in northern Alberta, Canada. INQUA meeting (2019) Dublin (IRL). (Poster)

Norris. S. L., Margold, M., Atkinson, N. and Froese, D. G. Glacial flowset mapping and ice flow dynamics in Alberta. (Poster) Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies meeting (2018) Edmonton, Alberta (CA). (Poster) (Winner of best poster award).

Norris. S. L., Margold, M and Froese, D. G. Late Wisconsinan ice flow dynamics in northeast Alberta and northwest Saskatchewan: implications for Lake Agassiz drainage to the Arctic Ocean. CANQUA-AMQUA meeting (2018)  Ottawa, Ontario (CA). (Talk)

Norris. S. L., Margold, M and Froese, D. G. Late Wisconsinan ice flow dynamics in northwest Saskatchewan. CANQUA-AMQUA meeting (2018)  Ottawa, Ontario (CA). (Poster)

Norris. S. L., Margold, M. and Froese, D,G. Late Wisconsinan ice Flow Dynamics in Northeastern Alberta and Northwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. Geological Society of America meeting, (2017) Seattle, Washington (USA). (Talk).

Norris. S. L., Margold, M. and Froese, D,G. Glacial geomorphology of northwest Saskatchewan: inferring deglacial dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Atlas Symposium (2017) Edmonton, Alberta (CA). (Talk).

Norris. S.L, Evans, D.J.A. and O’Cofaigh, C. The identification of former terrestrial ice stream dynamics till architecture: A case study of Southwestern Saskatchewan. Quaternary Research Association Conference (2017) Durham (UK). (Talk).

Norris. S. L., The identification of former terrestrial ice stream dynamics from geomorphic evidence and till architecture: A case study of Southwestern Saskatchewan. RGS-IBG Mid-Term Conference (2016) Newcastle (UK). (Poster). (Winner of best poster award).

Norris. S. L., Evans, D.J.A. Ewertowski, M. An assessment of the landform assemblage and associated processes on the foreland of Fláajökull, Iceland. International Glaciological Society British Branch Meeting (2015) Durham (UK). (Poster).

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